On May 3rd 2024, members of the DHWU Anti-Racism Caucus met with the Chief Human Resources Officer and Chief Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging Officer to discuss Denver Health’s commitment to its patients and employees. There is a continued dialogue with Union Members and the hospital to make Denver Health the best place to GIVE and RECIEVE care. Check out the presentation and email denverhealthworkersunited@gmail.com to get involved!

Union 101 Training

Union 101 Training

Join Zoom Link

Denver Health Workers United is a union by and for frontline employees. We are an open union for all staff, fighting for health and safety protections, equitable wages, benefits and working conditions, as well as increased public funding. We love Denver Health because we are Denver Health. However, the COVID-19 crisis lays clear that those of us taking the highest risk have too little of a say when it comes to the health and safety of ourselves and our patients. We are building an independent employee organization with the power to address our concerns.

Get involved and join your union today.